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Strategic Planning Facilitation

Use our facilitators to get the best from your planning groups and meetings. Bradley Lambert Inc's experienced facilitators have facilitated over 10,000 management planning sessions.


A strategic planning session led by outside experts can be more productive, less time consuming and result in increased commitment by the group to the output of the session.  

Crucial meetings achieve better results with an effective facilitator. The strategic planning process used by Bradley Lambert, Inc. is time tested, comprehensive, and rigorous. Pitfalls are avoided by having a structured, preplanned meeting(s) where participants have been asked their input to the meeting. Rules are agreed on at the start of the meeting and later enforced by the facilitator. Off subject discussions, wasted effort, conflicts that prevent progress, lack of a clear agenda or goal and dominance by a few individuals can all be prevented or minimized.


  • Meet with the CEO, GM, VP or sponsor of the meeting and facilitator team to determine the goals for the meeting
  • Develop an agenda and processes to achieve goals
  • If appropriate, determine pre-work for group members
  • Facilitate the meeting, working session or team
    • Focus on the agenda
    • Move the group through the agenda
    • Intervene if there are conflicts
    • Provide for participation by all attendees
    • Clarify decisions and outputs
    • Identify and assign action items
    • Document results and next steps
  • Summarize results of meeting, working session or team